After upgrading to Veeam 10, you may have problems accessing your Veeam Snap Server Backup Repository if it's configured as a Linux Share. We noticed that our Veeam Cloud Connect tape backup of the Snap Server was backing 0 bytes even though there was new data on the Snap Server. If you're running the Snap Server Guardian OS earlier than 8.1.103, then you will need to install a hotfix to make your Snap Server Linux Share accessible to Veeam 10. Here are the steps to fix the problem.
- For instructions on how to configure your Snap Server as a Linux backup repository with Veeam go to The Snap Server performance should be a little better when Veeam accesses the Snap Server Veeam Backup Repository as a Linux versus an SMB/Windows Share.
- Download the Veeam 10 hotfix at
- In case you need it, the Snap Server support page is at Snap Server was purchased a few months ago by HVE.
- Log into your Snap Server GUI.
- Click on Maintenance, OS Update.
- Make a note of the Current GOS that's running on the Snap Server.
- Verify that you're running a Guardian OS earlier than 8.1.103. There are two patch files included in the download:
- Guardian OS 7.7 and earlier: GOS_7.7.x_veeam_10_GOS-7861_hotfix.gsu.
- Guardian OS 8.0 - 8.1.099: GOS_8.0.074_8.1.099_veeam10_GOS-7861_fix.gsu
- Make sure to upload the correct file based on the OS that's running on your Snap Server.
- Click on Browse to upload the Hotfix.
- Click Upload File.
- Click Update.
- Test. Verify that the Hotfix works.
It took a while to resolve this issue with Veeam technical support. Hopefully, this blog post will save you some time.