Snap Server is no longer accessible as a Linux Share after upgrading to Veeam 10

After upgrading to Veeam 10, you may have problems accessing your Veeam Snap Server Backup Repository if it's configured as a Linux Share.  We noticed that our Veeam Cloud Connect tape backup of the Snap Server was backing 0 bytes even though there was new data on the Snap Server.   If you're running the Snap Server Guardian OS earlier than 8.1.103, then you will need to install a hotfix to make your Snap Server Linux Share accessible to Veeam 10.  Here are the steps to fix the problem.

  1. For instructions on how to configure your Snap Server as a Linux backup repository with Veeam go to  The Snap Server performance should be a little better when Veeam accesses the Snap Server Veeam Backup Repository as a Linux versus an SMB/Windows Share.
  2. Download the Veeam 10 hotfix at
  3. In case you need it, the Snap Server support page is at  Snap Server was purchased a few months ago by HVE. 
  4. Log into your Snap Server GUI.
  5. Click on Maintenance, OS Update. 
  6. Make a note of the Current GOS that's running on the Snap Server.
  7. Verify that you're running a Guardian OS earlier than 8.1.103.  There are two patch files included in the download:
    1. Guardian OS 7.7 and earlier:  GOS_7.7.x_veeam_10_GOS-7861_hotfix.gsu.
    2. Guardian OS 8.0 - 8.1.099:   GOS_8.0.074_8.1.099_veeam10_GOS-7861_fix.gsu
    3. Make sure to upload the correct file based on the OS that's running on your Snap Server.
  8. Click on Browse to upload the Hotfix.
  9. Click Upload File.
  10. Click Update.
  11. Test.  Verify that the Hotfix works.

It took a while to resolve this issue with Veeam technical support.  Hopefully, this blog post will save you some time.

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